What I Have/ Haven’t Learned From Early Childhood Education Course:

What I Have/ Haven’t Learned From Early Childhood Education Course:

In high school, my fellow classmates and I had to not only wear an empathy belly around the building for thirty minutes. We had to bring a simulator baby doll home for the weekend too.

Many of them went on to have babies immediately after they graduated while I waited until I was 26 with a college degree and one year steady job under my belt. It has not been easy but the course itself taught me many things about babies and that their needs come before ours.

The course taught me that they will wake up anytime of the night and need to be changed, fed and held for affection even when you are sleep deprived. It also taught me that you can get postpartum depression during and after the birth of your child. Speak with a family member, join a community online and not only list your symptoms, but do not hide them from your loved ones.

The course did not teach us about the difference between breastfeeding vs bottle feeding babies. Breastfed milk is much healthier for the baby although you should be cautious on what you eat because it will go directly to the baby and cause them to be gassy and cry constantly. Bottle fed babies are often full with one bottle and have to be fed every three to four hours while breastfed babies eat two to three hours and double the amount in between their naps, diaper changing and bedtime routine. Not to mention, when you are under an enormous amount of stress, place the baby back into their crib and take a five minute break to cool down. Even though the baby will cry, crying with them is normal and remind yourself that you and your significant other will get through the rough part of raising a baby.