How Grayson Has Brought Joy To Our Lives:

How Grayson Has Brought Joy To Our Lives:

From my fiance, Austin’s perspective on why our son has brought Joy to our lives: “When I was younger, I notioned the idea of needing lots of friends and an amazing job to be happy in life. I tried so hard to be accepted by everyone around me and I was miserable. When I met my fiancee, my life changed for the better. I was finally accepted for just being me. It all changed when our son was born and it made me realize how my family has brought me joy and that nothing else matters but God and family.”

From my perspective, Grayson brought joy to our lives by uniting his daddy and me together as well as both sides of our family. He has been the beam of delight and spunk that brought us together. “Before God sent me my true love, I didn’t think I was going to ever get engaged, married and have a baby. I jumped to the conclusion that the quote ‘plenty of fishes in the sea’ was false until I met my fiance at our former workplace in the customer service department. From that moment forward and now with Grayson fixing to turn 2, I am blessed through God that Austin and Grayson are in my life forever.”

Parents, never take your precious children for granted. Love them and cherish the memories with them for eternity. Let them know how much joy they have brought you to your lives. Life is precious and children grow so fast.

What I Have Learned as a Stay at Home Mom:

What I Have Learned as a Stay at Home Mom:

In the first three months postpartum, I learned what life was like as a stay at home mom. I learned how to change diapers all by myself while my fiance was working a lot. However, I showed him how to change diapers and how to give Grayson a bath. He picked up on the diaper and bath duties really good as well as nurturing our son in many ways that his eyes beam with glee.

Right now I am searching for a remote job online to be at home with Grayson who is turning 2 in September. I am also taking on other chore responsibilities through cleaning(dishes, clothes, room), giving the cats and dogs their food, water and taking them outside to the restroom and job hunting all at the same time which is a huge task at hand. It is very rewarding though and his father and I look forward to raising our son for many years to come.

Being a stay at home parent isn’t as easy as it looks. I used to be very critical of it in the event something goes wrong. However, it gave me the experience of what stay-at-home moms go through on a daily basis when raising children. My fiance, Austin has helped me in tremendous and positive ways after he gets off work and helps me clean up after Grayson’s messy dinner in the high chair, taking up garbage can and feeding our son when I am washing dishes. It takes two highly involved parents to be a team together.