I went to my in-law’s house yesterday afternoon and we spent the evening hunting Easter Eggs, cracking them open to gobble down some crackers/gummy bears, eat the most delicious dinner my mother-in-law cooked and watch Shrek 2 with the family. Last night’s Easter Celebration was not just about Easter egg hunting. Rather, us celebrating Jesus Christ’s rising and bonding as a family.
Our Luck Charm: Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day

Our Luck Charm: Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day

On St. Patrick’s Day, we strolled through the Cedars of Lebanon on a short walk path in the woods. Grayson had so much fun running on the trail where he picked up sticks and tossed his bouncy ball back to his dad and me. 

At sundown, the temperature dropped and I was getting tired from walking. Grayson turned himself around and headed towards the car again on the walk path. Running as fast as he could, we had to stop him in his path as he was quite the fast runner. His daddy picked him up and we brought him to the car and left to go back home for the night. 

Happy St. Patricks’s Day, 2024!


The Best Birthday & Wedding Plans All in One:

The Best Birthday & Wedding Plans All in One:

Yesterday was one of the best birthdays I have ever had with my beloved fiancé and our dear son, Grayson. After our son was picked up by his grandmother to spend the night, my fiancé and I went on our journey to the location where we will have our wedding in October. We got the date and location reserved for October 7.

The time of the wedding is still pending, and the event is outdoorsy under the Juniper Gazebo. All of which are surrounded by the peace and calmness of nature. We look forward to spending the rest of our lives together through God’s grace and blessings.

Overall, we had the best birthday and wedding plan combined together in one day. Other plans we do together are being researched at this time.

Top 3 Tools to Build a Toddler’s Motor Skills:

Top 3 Tools to Build a Toddler’s Motor Skills:

Toddlers past the age of two can sense their parents overall moods after a long day of work. They can sense peoples’ feelings even though they cannot verbalize why they are crying, hungry or angry, themselves.

Nonetheless, here are three educational tools to enhance a toddler’s motor skills:

  1. Building Blocks– it acquires building skills by stacking blocks from top to bottom.
  2. Wagon Outdoors-encourages children to go outside, pick up sticks and walk around the yard with a wagon which will then increase strength in their legs.
  3. Sports Galore-throwing footballs, baseballs will build strength in their arms, legs and their hand-eye coordination skills when pointing and throwing to another person.
Nature & Beginning of Spring:

Nature & Beginning of Spring:

Before he went over to his grandparents’ house for two days two weeks ago, Grayson and I went outside to have fun in the sun. We played football, picked up sticks, rocks and walked around the yard for 15 minutes.

As we are about to enter the month where Winter ends and Spring begins, ’tis the season for allergies, rain and sun on the same day and warmer temperatures rising above freezing degrees.

The grass is greener, and the leaves are in the beginning stages of blooming. Grayson has been introduced to nature and very soon, we will take a walk down to the creek and splash some water before the sun settles down each night.


Dhar Mann Controversy: So Much for Life Lesson Videos?

Dhar Mann Controversy: So Much for Life Lesson Videos?

Over a week ago, former actors and actresses of Dhar Mann Studios are actively partaking in a protest for not being paid fair wages on the job and one of the kid actresses was fired for having an underlying health issue.

Written in a similar fashion of Dhar Mann video titles, a poster held by Mair Mulroney said “Millionaire mistreats staff…ending is shocking.” The message is clear and meant for Dhar Mann to admit they have not been paid fairly nor has he reached out to them and fix everything in which thanks to himself, he is now tarnishing his own reputation while living in a mansion.

A CEO who signs their paychecks should be held accountable for not paying them according to the contract he handed out to them. The majority of the actors and actresses have said that the pay is significantly low in which they cannot afford to pay rent.

According to actor Colin Borden, he was told that there was going to be a meeting with Dhar Mann. Unfortunately, he did not appear in which they were lied to. They asked for another meeting to sit and renegotiate but the manager told them another meeting will not happen again. Considering the fact that Dhar is their “boss” and signs their paychecks, he is appearing to be a lot worse than the villains on his YouTube skits.

From what we understand about this thus far is that if they are non-speaking actors, they get paid $18 an hour plus per slot time. If they are speaking actors, they get paid $33-$34 an hour plus per slot. It was also said that they won’t get paid the full 8 hours they are working which is breaking labor laws minus the 30-minute lunch break (if required).

It has also been mentioned that if the actors talked with other actors and actresses on set before filming, they would be fired. Not to mention, if they asked questions, they would not be allowed back. Is this the end for Dhar Mann videos? A humbled CEO would be grateful for dedicated and hardworking employees. Unfortunately, the life lessons didn’t do any good for the CEO of his own videos.

However, as there are always two sides to a story, Dhar Mann should come out and explain the entire story of what and why this occurred and how he will fix the issues at hand. If communication is discontinued, more people will leave to the point where no one will work for YouTubers with such high demands, extreme low pay and all around, not so humbled.

If you are a parent and want to go into acting, find another YouTuber with incredible writing scripts and is willing to pay you as much as a regular employer pays their employee for eight hours a day. As someone who used to watch Dhar Mann videos, it is very disappointing to see how the short videos conveyed a better message than the longer videos and with the studio expansion, video content subjects became over the top and acting abilities became extremely cringe.

Beauty Shop Film: How Working Moms Can Relate

Beauty Shop Film: How Working Moms Can Relate

Starring Queen Latifah and Kevin Bacon, Gina Norris is a widower who moved from Chicago to Atlanta with her daughter as a professional hairstylist. She befriends Lynn (shampoo stylist) and works for Jorge (portrayed by Kevin Bacon) until she could no longer put up with his intolerant and unprofessional behavior as a boss.

She quit on the spot and searched for a building in many areas of Atlanta to open her very own beauty shop. Staying up all night to gather financial reports in order to stop by the bank and request a loan for the building selected, she was rejected at first by Mrs. Struggs, a loan officer until she gave her an updo hairstyle and received a $30,000 loan.

From that point forward, Gina was her own boss. She made sure to balance her life as an owner, hairstylist, and as a mother. Similar to how my sister who is her own boss and a mom to two precious children, in order to be the best, you must have a sharp mind for detail and work hard to keep your clients happy. Find a schedule that works for your professional and personal life.

What I enjoyed about this film is you see hairstylists from the start of Gina opening her shop critiquing Lynn to backing her up by the end of the film and they are a second family to each other.

In conclusion, Beauty Shop is an inspirational film to remind working moms you should not always have to overwork yourself and break your back for an employer who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Find a career and a boss who knows the importance of balancing professional life and personal life.

Little Leprechaun Photos from 2022-2023:

Little Leprechaun Photos from 2022-2023:

As his daddy and I’s little leprechaun, he is searching for his very own gold. Gold coins, perhaps? Sticks, maybe? No matter what the object is, he is our little charm. Very soon, he will discover his very own clover.

Leprechaun in 2022

Leprechaun in 2023

Raising Helen: A Heartwarming, Family Film

Raising Helen: A Heartwarming, Family Film

Raising Helen is a heartwarming, family movie filled with fun, sadness and a family sticking together like glue to overcome a tragic loss of Helen and Jenny’s sister and brother-in-law.

An ambitious career woman at heart with no experience as a guardian, she finds out that in her sister’s will, she was chosen to raise Lindsay and Paul’s three children in the event something bad happened to them.

She struggles at first to parent her eldest niece, Audrey who is hanging out with a troubled party boy named BZ. They eventually get found in a motel room together by Helen and Jenny. Jenny breaks down the door as an angry yet protective pregnant aunt, yelling as loud as she could and got her out of the room while Helen stood outside the whole time not willing to discipline her niece yet. She felt that being harsh was not the way to go about disciplining teenagers as she, herself, was a partygoer.

In the end, she starts to grasp the reality of why she was chosen as the guardian of her sister’s children and to finally put her foot down when discipline needs to be set in motion. What sets the tone of this film was to make it family-friendly but also a life lesson in which many parents and guardians of children have to endure on a daily basis. You get to see how difficult it is raising three children as Helen was a single woman working as an assistant executive of a modeling agency in New York.